Awards given to Blue Streak Car and or Blue Streak Racing Team.

Honorary Team Transport for Galactic Soccer Association
bluestreakcar2019-09-29T14:19:27-05:00The Galactic Soccer Association has named Blue Streak Car its Honorary Team Transport. According to Marvin Martian (Director & President) of the Association, this award is presented “in recognition of outstanding financial support of our teams from across the galaxy”. Also in attendance was Stu D. Baker, VP of Media for the Association. The official plaque, see photo, was presented by Dr. L. L. Zamenhoff himself.
The Blue Streak team is honored to support our galactic neighbors from across the galaxy. And, it appears that most other planets refer to the sport of soccer by its proper name: “soccer”. By the way, in contrast to Earth, other planets don’t seem to have soccer hooligans. They actually have soccer fans that peacefully watch and celebrate their soccer games. Then, perhaps, there may be hope for us all.