Safeco Insurance, a member of Liberty Mutual Group, is a national U.S. insurance company. It held the naming rights to the Seattle Mariners’ baseball stadium Safeco Field from its opening in 1999 through the end of the 2018 season. They partner with local, independent agents who live and work in your community. Backed by the financial strength of Liberty Mutual Insurance, ranked on the Fortune 100 list of the largest U.S. corporations. The company has financial strength ratings of A (Excellent) from the A.M. Best Company, A2 (Good) from Moody’s Investors Service, and A- (Strong) from Standard & Poor’s.
The Travelers, Indemnity Company
bluestreakcar2019-10-04T16:11:22-05:00For more than 160 years, they have earned a reputation as one of the best property casualty insurers in the industry. A leader in personal, business and specialty insurance and the only property casualty company in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. 30,000 employees and 13,500 independent insurance agents and brokers. More than 12,000 Claim employees are committed to exceptional service with empathy and compassion.
Progressive, Casualty Insurance Company
bluestreakcar2019-10-04T16:08:48-05:00The Progressive Corporation is an American insurance company. It is one of the largest providers of car insurance in America. Over 18 million customers. Began in 1937 with the first drive-in claims office, became the first to introduce reduced rates for low-risk drivers. The company insures motorcycles, boats, RVs and commercial vehicles, and provides home insurance through select companies. And, of course, they have Flo.
Acuity, A Mutual Insurance Company
bluestreakcar2019-10-04T16:05:41-05:00Founded in 1925, Acuity is an award winning personal and business insurance provider. The 56th largest insurer in the nation and manages over $4 billion in assets. Acuity is the only commercial regional insurer to be rated A+ by both A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s, making Acuity an icon of strength. In-house industry specialists know your business and industry, so they have the knowledge to guide your decisions. Community involvement – they’re part of the community. They have a proud history of corporate philanthropy, hosting charitable events at their headquarters, and employee volunteerism.

Premier Sponsor: Hettler Insurance Agency
bluestreakcar2019-10-05T18:47:19-05:00Established in 1992, Hettler Insurance Agency is a family-owned, independent insurance agency based in Lubbock, Texas. For 27+ years, they help families, individuals and businesses find better coverage with better Service. Licensed in multiple states, they serve over 2700+ accounts. Go see why people like them so much!

Honorary Team Transport for Galactic Soccer Association
bluestreakcar2019-09-29T14:19:27-05:00The Galactic Soccer Association has named Blue Streak Car its Honorary Team Transport. According to Marvin Martian (Director & President) of the Association, this award is presented “in recognition of outstanding financial support of our teams from across the galaxy”. Also in attendance was Stu D. Baker, VP of Media for the Association. The official plaque, see photo, was presented by Dr. L. L. Zamenhoff himself.
The Blue Streak team is honored to support our galactic neighbors from across the galaxy. And, it appears that most other planets refer to the sport of soccer by its proper name: “soccer”. By the way, in contrast to Earth, other planets don’t seem to have soccer hooligans. They actually have soccer fans that peacefully watch and celebrate their soccer games. Then, perhaps, there may be hope for us all.

Certificate of Achievement at Lubbock Drive-Race Course
bluestreakcar2019-09-29T14:14:21-05:00Guess who received an award (certificate of achievement for exemplary performance)? The Blue Streak car, that’s who. Blue Streak was presented this award from the Lubbock Traffic Safety Drive & Race course. Course Director Babe Blueox presented this award. Others VIP’s present included Paul Bunyan, course CEO & Founder. It’s been rumored that Johnny Appleseed was somewhere in the crowd, but we can’t confirm that rumor.
In the early years of Blue Streak’s career, he was the resident race pro there at the Course. While Blue was an instructor at the Course, it’s said that he was fair but firm. He didn’t put up with the young cars that just wanted to lay around in their garage all day. Blue made sure that the young cars started their engines bright and early so they’d have time to warm up before drivers showed up at the Course every morning. He knew reliability was key. If you get your fluids warm and flowing in the morning, then performance increases.

Largest Crowd Ever At Motorsport Event
bluestreakcar2019-09-29T14:07:50-05:00Blue Streak Car recently received another award. This time the award was for attracting the largest crowd ever at a motorsport event (at Gekko Lizzardo Memorial Speedway). The award was presented by Jean-Luc Janeway (track supervisor) with James T. Picard (VP for Operations) presiding.
Thank you to everyone who attended. We can’t thank everyone by name, because that would take about 50 years to list all the names. Well, it depends on just how many typing monkeys we could find. Suffice to say that we are very humbled that so many people love and support Blue Streak Car.

Those Are Trophies, Not Hood Ornaments
bluestreakcar2019-09-29T15:50:21-05:00Those are just some of the trophies, not hood ornaments. But, we’ve got so many trophies that we could outfit a fleet of cars with hood ornaments.
We can’t complain about a trophy or two, though. The public really likes us, otherwise, we wouldn’t have so many trophies. We salute all our loyal fans.
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Get Your Photo With The Award-Winning Blue Streak Car
bluestreakcar2019-09-29T15:50:50-05:00Get your photo with the Award-Winning Blue Streak Car.
Blue Streak has won so many awards that we had to add on to his garage. Our staff got tired of tripping over awards and trophies covering the floor and all the workbenches. Our hat’s off to you, America. Without your support, we wouldn’t be such an award-winning team.
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